Where are we today?

Driving from Denver, CO to Saint Louis, MO via a lot of Kansas

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Richard's Jam Session

After checking out of the hotel we decided to drive around too see what else San Francisco had to offer. We stopped in Chinatown for some delicious MSG-free food. Although the meal was very cheap, we felt scammed because the check was written in Chinese. Unfortunately, Brett could not yet decipher what it all meant so we had to take their word for it.

After leaving Chinatown we headed down to Haight-Ashbury and the Golden Gate Park. There we met Richard, king of the hippies, who started an enormous drum circle that lasted hours. We were fortunate enough to witness him play the drums, cowbell, and pretty much anything he could find that made noise.

We were also entertained by the future Tiger Woods who would try and sink puts from the asphalt sidewalk into a hole he dug in the dirt. After putting he would scream "get in the whole bi^%*. Between puts he would preach and sometimes even sing to the surrounding people. These individuals only represent an iota of the very "unique" people that we came across in the park, but they certainly were some of the more interesting ones. After getting our fill of smelly homeless entertainers we decided to head out towards Santa Clara.

Until next time,

- Posted using smoke signals from my hot iPhone

Location:San Francisco, CA

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