Where are we today?

Driving from Denver, CO to Saint Louis, MO via a lot of Kansas

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Heat Seaters & Cab Loggins: A BBCZ Guide to Yellowstone

Zach "The Davey Crockett of the Mountain West" here.

So the good news is Ben just took another picture of rocks with trees- we trust you will enjoy all 546,722,198,214 of them once they are loaded.

Yellowstone was honestly one of the most beautiful places any of us have ever seen- although we're pretty sure the rangers there know absolutely nothing about the park, especially Ranger Emily. Thanks for nothing (except for adding to our collection of free Wyoming map we suppose it was too much to ask for just a simple map of Yellowstone.)

Upon entering Yellowstone we were immediately buried in the winter storm that had been called for every day for the last week. With Benny "I love nature" Schultz at the helm, we all geared up in our 4 layers of clothing, unquestionably prepared to bitch-slap whatever mother nature could throw at us in our man-chariot.

We were briefly thrown off guard when we saw the sign that said "Beware of Avalanches: No Stopping Next 21 Miles." Not 3 feet after that sign and in the middle of a snow storm Ben stopped in the middle of the road to...wait for it...take a picture of rocks and trees.

As we passed through majestic Yellowstone, we were captivated by the endless miles of frozen lakes, snowy mountaintops, and buffalo dooty. At one point we had pulled over for a group shot when I noticed what appeared to be a moving rock...but, wait...Behold, our first wild buffalo (as opposed to the "hundreds" of them at the Buffalo ranch in SD.) We watched this one buffalo for about 20 minutes thinking this would be our one chance encounter with wildlife, not realizing that we would come to pass dozens more throughout the day--silly us!

We eventually made it to the geyser park to visit Old Faithful, only to just miss the eruption due to CJ not being able to control his bladder much like a kindergarten schoolgirl. However, the extra time did allow us to enjoy some bison chili in rocking chairs overlooking the park during a break in the storm. Eventually, the eruption we had all been waiting for came (that's what she....never mind.) While initially pretty cool, it was, in general, fairly anti-climatic- trust us when we say a Youtube video of it will suffice for your Old Faithful experience.

Overall, great day in Yellowstone. Miss you all oodles!

- Posted using BlogPress from my King of the Wild Frontier iPad

Location:Yellowstone & Teton, WY

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